Our Services
At SAMS we celebrate Shabbat, the High Holy Days and other festivals throughout the year. Our services combine friendly informality with an atmosphere of concentration and involvement. We are fortunate in having many members of the community lead our services and everyone is encouraged to join in at their own level.
Families sit together and we welcome children of all ages. The congregation uses the Sim Shalom siddur, following the format of a traditional service, and much of the service is in Hebrew.
What to Expect
We are obliged to maintain levels of security, and as such visitors should expect to be questioned on arrival, possibly have bags searched and should not leave anything unattended.
The use of cameras, mobile phones, other electronic devices and any writing implements is not permitted on Shabbat. We ask that mobile phones be turned off whilst in or around the synagogue building – or left at home.
We welcome children of all ages in our services. Children’s books and Shabbat-friendly toys are available to borrow.
For their safety, please do not let your children wander the building or grounds unattended. You are responsible for your children’s conduct at all times.
Please consider modesty in dress, as a way of showing honour to Shabbat.
All males (Jewish and non-Jewish) are asked to cover their heads as a sign of respect. Head coverings (kippot) will be available as you enter.
Join us for Shabbat
The Sabbath is the inspirer, the other days inspired.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel