Social Events
SAMS hosts a full range of social events and activities throughout the year, for all ages and interests.
Some of our events are based around the Jewish calendar, such as our Succah Hop, a Matzah Ramble at Pesach, Chanukah parties for both adults and children, and a barbeque on Lag b’Omer. Our Community Seder grows in numbers each year, and on Friday nights we often hold an Oneg Shabbat.
Other events provide an excuse for the community to come together and just have fun, and some help raise funds for SAMS or other charities. These activities range from Quiz Nights to Games & Cards evenings, countryside walks and an annual summer garden party. A monthly book group meets where everything plus the book is open for discussion!

Singing for Memory
A new SAMS initiative - a weekly dementia music activity supporting people living with conditions affecting memory.
Booking required:
Read our regular Newsletter here:

Arriving & Belonging
The Arriving & Belonging exhibition ran from February until May 2022 at the St Albans Museum + Gallery. The exhibition aimed to provide an understanding of the Jewish experience to the wider community.
There was support from our MP Daisy Cooper and the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Robert Voss. And we connected with local Christian, Muslim and community groups. The exhibition attracted attention in the local and Jewish press and radio. Over 18,000 visitors passed through.
The exhibition attracted local visitors as well as Jewish groups. We welcomed the Chief Executives of World Jewish Relief, the Wiener Library, and the Association of Jewish Refugees, as well as the Development Manager of the Migration Museum.
There have been numerous ‘ripple effects’ from the exhibition, here are just a few examples:
A Spanish student wrote her dissertation and made a film about Berta Aftergut, Evelyn Gold’s aunt who was on Schindler’s List
The EXILE archive at the University of London sent Helen Singer interviews her parents had given in the 1990s that she hadn’t heard before
The Imperial War Museum got in touch to ask permission to use Helen’s mother’s childhood photographs in the ‘Life Before’ section of the new Holocaust Galleries
A teacher from Jon Meier’s father’s old school in Cologne got in touch to request photos for a website about former Jewish pupils, and sent his old school reports!
Helen and the exhibition designer spoke to students and staff at Edinburgh Napier University studying/teaching Heritage and Exhibition Design, who were doing a project with Edinburgh Synagogue
The ‘Mapping your community’s roots’ toolkit has been widely circulated and is being used by other communities.
There is a mini Arriving & Belonging display in the shul building.
Read more about SAMS members’ heritage here.

Interfaith Events
SAMS takes part in a number of interfaith events throughout the year, including Mitzvah Day, an annual cricket match (which we always lose!) and activities on Holocaust Memorial Day.
The Mayor of St Albans hosts an annual social evening where representatives from the many faith groups that reside in St Albans enjoy a pleasant evening and a variety of ethnic foods. In addition, our members are actively involved in FACE (Faith and Culture Enterprise) and other local interfaith groups, events and activities.