היום בו נולדת הוא היום בו החליט הקב''ה שהעולם אינו יכול להתקיים
בלעדיך“The day you were born was the day God decided the world couldn’t exist without you.”
-R. Nahman of Breslov
The arrival of a baby brings joy to the whole community. To honour this special occasion, we encourage members to have a baby blessing in the synagogue.
Baby blessings normally take place on a Shabbat morning towards the end of the Torah service. The family is fully involved and we are able to customise the order of the service to suit the event.
Please contact the synagogue office to plan your baby blessing. Why not provide a Kiddush and invite the whole community to celebrate?
If you have a boy, the Rabbi will be pleased to recommend a mohel (a person trained in the practice of brit milah – the covenant of circumcision).