SAMS Cheder runs on Sunday mornings, during term time, at the synagogue. It has a wide-ranging curriculum that focuses on both Hebrew and Jewish Studies.
For Hebrew lessons, plenty of fun activities and revision are built in, and children learn in small groups based on ability. For Jewish studies, most classes are grouped in two-year bands to learn about the Jewish calendar and life-cycle events, with stories from the Torah and other Jewish sources as well as other themes of Jewish interest, such as Israel.
Our Cheder is small – around 35 children – which allows us to give individualised attention. Children attend from school year 1 to school year 6. SAMS Cheder is available to members of SAMS, members of other Masorti synagogues and non-members (different rates apply). From Year 10, many SAMS teenagers work at Cheder as paid assistants, a system that benefits both the Cheder children and the teenagers.
After year 6 we offer Amudim, a bi-monthly program for boys and girls preparing for their B’nei Mitzvah. Led by Rabbi Adam with support from our youth workers from Noam, Amudim offers learning, discussion, activities, outings and trips.
For more information about Cheder, please get in touch with us on cheder@e-sams.org.

Adult Education
You can see many of our Adult Ed programmes on our YouTube channel after the fact. A few examples are below, on our 2021 Adult Ed Playlist.