Our Families
Children’s Services
Children’s services are held one Shabbat each month and on the major Festivals and High Holy Days. The Toddlers’ service for pre-school children is participatory (parents too!) and lively, including songs and stories. For children of primary school age (5-10 years old), the service includes prayers as well as story-telling and singing.
Youth Services
For our young people in secondary school (ages 11 and up), a youth service is held one Shabbat morning each month as well as on major festivals and the high holydays.
Led by our Noam movement worker, the service is highly participatory, including prayers, discussion, drama and songs.
Amudim is our B'nei Mitzvah social and educational programme, for students in years 7 and 8. We meet bimonthly for events led jointly by Rabbi Adam and our Noam movement worker. Every Spring, we organise a trip to Amsterdam for the Year 8 class as part of their preparation for their B'nei Mitzvah.
SAMS Tots puts on lots of fun activities for our 0-5 year olds. We run monthly Tots services, generally on the last Shabbat (Saturday) morning of every month. We organise interactive sessions for festivals; these can include a Matzah Ramble during Pesach and an ice cream picnic on Shavuot.
Noam is the youth movement of the Masorti synagogues. Events throughout the year include summer and winter camps, weekly clubs, leadership training, and service learning trips. Noam provides an exciting and engaging Jewish experiences in an informal atmosphere as well as high-quality leadership training for our young people. At SAMS we run age-appropriate Noam programmes during term time for children in school years 3 -10.