Giving to SAMS
We are always delighted to receive donations: for our building fund, for the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, for particular projects and for the many local and international charities we support.
Members and their families give to SAMS for many reasons. If you would like to donate to honour a special occasion or in memory of a loved one, please get in touch. We would be pleased to help make your donation a meaningful one.
Make a donation or to set up your membership fees donation online or call us or write to us at the SAMS office. Thanks very much for supporting SAMS!
We have a significant number of members enrolled with Easyfundraising. We have used funds raised for decorating the shul building and to help buy new chairs.
If you have not already done so, please go to easyfundraising.org.uk to enrol and choose St Albans Masorti Synagogue as your charity.
Match Funding
If you are an employee of a major corporation your company may offer charitable match funding.
Some companies will match your donations to charities, or even match the funds raised during an event where you have helped.