“I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise I am planting for my children.”
Talmud Ta’anit 23a
The goal of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah at SAMS is to give our youngest adults a feeling of ownership over the incredible tradition they inherit and the tools to live a Jewish life as they grow.
Studying for and experiencing a Bar/Bat Mitzvah gives our young people the opportunity to provide leadership in the SAMS community. They learn to lead us liturgically, as our teachers and as doers of good in the world.
We are committed to giving our members the best possible experience of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, conscious of the differing backgrounds of SAMS members who want to celebrate this event with us.
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah service will usually take place on the Shabbat after the child’s thirteenth Hebrew birthday.