SAMS MemberShare invites all our members to choose their own SAMS MemberShare payment instead of SAMS setting a fixed membership fee.
SAMS MemberShare invites all our members to choose their own SAMS MemberShare payment instead of SAMS setting a fixed membership fee.
SAMS differs from almost every other community in that we do not have fixed fees. Instead, in 2023, we became the first established synagogue to abandon the concept of membership dues and instead chose to replace it with a voluntary contribution model that we call ‘MemberShare’.
By calling it ‘MemberShare’, we mean that the financial operation of our community is our ‘shared’ responsibility, and we recognise that fact – but we also acknowledge that it is our members who have a ‘share’ or stake in our community, and who should determine its future. As with any community, our members have a range of different incomes, financial situations, and different ways in which SAMS plays a role in their lives – but we see it as the responsibility and privilege of all of our members to ensure the community can continue to meet the needs of everyone in an equitable way.
The short answer is: you can choose! The slightly longer answer is: that we ask each person/family/household to consider what they are able to contribute to SAMS. We provide all the information about our finances transparently and honestly and ask you to make whatever decision you feel is best based on that information.
When deciding how much your SAMS MemberShare payment would be, we encourage members to take into account both the money needed to maintain our active, vibrant and caring community as well as your own personal circumstances.
Everything! Other than one-off social events or activities for which there may be a separate donation or materials charge, all of our regular offering – from High Holy Day tickets to Burial, to Cheder to Adult Education to the regular maintenance of the community – are covered by your MemberShare contribution.
Contact a member of our team with any questions and to receive a membership form. All you need to do is decide what is right for you and fill in the form with your contribution. Our Treasurer will follow up with a confirmation and we’ll get you signed up, officially.
To better understand the principles and values behind MemberShare please take a look at this video: